Individual counseling online throughout Colorado, Florida,
South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia
Your brain is not designed to make you happy.
It is designed to help you survive.
Being TRAPPED in old patterns, behaviors, and habits is discouraging and frustrating.
It can feel so overwhelming to be in REPETITIVE cycles where you feel you have no control over living your best life.
Your feelings are screwing you.
If you listen to your feelings, you’ll never get what you want in life.
We keep gravitating back to the same PATTERNS of behavior because they are comfortable. Like a soiled diaper, it stinks; but it’s warm, and it’s ours, and there is a lot of comfort in that.
Nothing in this world can torment you as much as your thoughts.
Even if you have identified the course you’d like to take for living your BEST LIFE, excuses and justifications sneak up on you and sabotage your path for success.
Now you are consumed with doubt and confusion.
What do you really want?
Based on your actions, not a damn thing. But your head is FILLED with possibilities to the point you become immobilized by having too many options.
You can’t do anything if you’re trying to do everything.
Get out of your head and into the magic of your life.
The juice is in the squeeze.
Your best thinking got you to where you are now.
The bad news is, ACTION is the ONLY way to create change in your life. Trust me. I have tried to think myself into my ideal life. Unfortunately, it just does not work.
Be scared and do it anyway.
There will never be the PERFECT MOMENT to stop chasing
your tail.
Years will go by as you continue to visualize that ideal life
but make no movement toward achieving it. Just like a
rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but you still
get nowhere.
Fear is a natural human experience, AND you can push past it.
When you feed the fear, though, it makes the sensations more intense and intimidating.
When you learn how to overcome fear from your life, the good news is that THE POSSIBILTIES ARE ENDLESS.
Whatever you do, always give 100%.
(Unless you’re donating blood.)
Therapy is DIFFICULT.
You will be asked questions you have never thought of before. You will be challenged to identify physical sensations you have become successful in ignoring.
You will be asked to consider possibilities you have never considered. You will be pushed to try different behaviors you would not normally do.
You will be vulnerable. You may even cry.
But you will survive and possibly even thrive…
“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world – not even our troubles.” – Charlie Chaplin
Feelings are like waves. Some are intense, some milder – some wreck entire cities.
When you can step outside of yourself and notice your feelings, as opposed to becoming those feelings, you will have better access to your frontal lobe. And this, young Jedi, is where the magic happens.
You didn’t come this far only to come this far.
Become your own therapy ninja.
Imagine feeling your feelings, noticing your experiences, and responding calmly versus reacting in unhealthy and unproductive ways.
Call or Text (720) 629-2729 to schedule.
Jamie Gibbs, PhD, LPC, CSAT, CST, NCC
Jamie Gibbs is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a doctoral degree in Clinical Sexology. She’s a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist and a Certified Sex Therapist. Jamie has been working in the field of problematic sexual behaviors since 2013.