Discovering that your partner has cheated can destroy your self-esteem. It’s hard to stay out of a negative headspace when you are trying to figure out why it happened. To avoid this path, there are simple and empowering ways to recover after your partner cheats.

Because we often internalize feelings of rejection, after being cheated on, it’s easy to find fault with yourself. This allows us to feel like we have control after being betrayed. If we can focus on what we did wrong, and change that thing, maybe we wouldn’t have been hurt in the first place. Some individuals may try to change themselves by working on their physical appearance or shifting their way of thinking and tolerating bad behavior. However, these are behaviors you should avoid after you find out your partner cheated. Instead focus on what would make you feel better, instead of focusing on perceived shortcomings.

Here are some empowering ways to create happiness for yourself after being cheated upon:

1.       Go on a vacation

Staying in the same place can be challenging after learning that your partner has cheated. Seeing the same people, experiencing the same lifestyle, and being in the same environment can remind you of the pain you felt after learning of your partner’s infidelity. To get away from the monotony, it may be helpful to take a vacation, even if it’s just for the weekend. Exposing yourself to a new setting will give you the opportunity to clear your head. Vacations can also help you develop a fresh perspective upon returning to your environment.

2.       Place the Blame Back on the Cheated

Being cheated on is never your fault and many individuals who have experienced infidelity tend to blame themselves. It is sometimes helpful to get the perspective that a person who cheats will most likely cheat on any partner they have. It is important to remember that anyone has the ability to cheat, even a partner who is loyal. By shifting the responsibility to the person who did wrong can prevent you from being more down on yourself than you should be.

3.       Focus on the Future

Focusing on motives for why your partner cheated or thinking about where things went wrong will lead you down a black hole of negativity. The best way to move on is to focus on your future. What activities do you enjoy, even without your partner? How can you get back to being true to who you are or what you like?

4.       Change up your social media

Removing all traces of your partner from your social media page or blocking them is an option you have. And you can take it one step further by updating your social media profiles. It can help us feel more empowered to show people who hurt us that we are resilient. It can also boost your own self-worth by showing areas of your life that you are proud of.

5.       Try Something you have never done before

While it is important to take time to develop new coping strategies, adopting a new hobby is something that can take your mind off the negative feelings you have. If you discover you are good at a new hobby and manage to make new friends, it can help you regain some of the self-confidence that you may have lost.

6.       Spend time with people who have your back

Being cheated on triggers all kinds of insecurity issues. However, surrounding yourself with loved ones can remind you that you are loved and cared for. Being around people who see your strengths and help you grown into who you are can help you feel more like yourself.

7.       Meet new people and make new friends

Even with the support of friends and family, being cheated on can make you feel alone. While meeting new people may not be what you are inclined to do, it truly can help with the healing process. By meeting others, you are opening up an opportunity to meet others and heal from the betrayal. Remember, because one person betrayed you, doesn’t mean everyone else will. By giving yourself an opportunity to meet other people, you can break the walls you put up after an emotional betrayal.

Whether you choose to stay with your partner or not is totally up to you. But remember, being cheated on doesn’t have to be the end of the world. If you do things that remind you of how amazing you are, you can find the best way to move forward.

Participating in therapy for infidelity can be helpful for determining what you want your life to look like after an affair.


