Attachment trauma is a disruption between the bonding process of a baby and it’s primary caregiver. The trauma may be overt abuse or neglect, or it may be less obvious – lack of affection or response from the caregiver. Attachment trauma may occur if there are traumatic experiences in the home while a baby is forming the bond, and it may result at the absence of the primary caregiver. The consequence of attachment trauma is far reaching and long-lasting but can be addressed in therapy.

Attachment trauma, an early form of relational trauma, occurs when there is a disruption between the healthy bond formation between baby  and it’s primary caregiver. Healthy attachment occurs when the caregiver provides comfort, affection, and basic needs on a consistent basis. Poor attachment, inappropriate responses to the baby’s distress, lack of affection, abusive behaviors, and the absence of the caregiver can all cause a traumatic experience for the child.

The consequences of attachment trauma can cause positive or negative impact into intimate relationships. The way we learned to attach to our primary caregiver is how we learn to show up in all of our relationships. A positive caregiver-child bond establishes healthy development, self-confidence, self-regulation, and a pattern for developing other relationships. Trauma associated with this important bond can lead to a wide range of issues from poor social development to serious mental illness.


The theory of attachment outlines four different styles of attachment that a child develops with their primary caregivers. These styles can influence how an individual forms relationships later and whether they are largely successful or riddled with conflict and problems.

·        Secure: According to researchers, there are approximately 60% of people with a secure attachment style. These are individuals with caregivers who are loving and affection and respond appropriately and sensitively to distress in the baby. With secure attachment, the individual will feel comfortable in expressing emotions, tend to be more self-confident in relationships, and are more likely to cope with negative situations and feelings in healthy ways.

·        Avoidant: Avoidant or dismissive avoidant, occurs when the caregiver is not sensitive or reactive to distress in a child. The child is then more likely to avoid showing emotions or turn to their caregiver for comfort. Later in life, this person may be emotionally distant in relationships and unexpressive.

·        Resistant: Also known as anxious or preoccupied attachment, resistant attachment is the result of a caregiver who is inconsistent or unpredictable with comfort and responsiveness to distress. The child may use strategies like neediness or extreme emotional responses to get the attention of the caregiver. As an adult, someone who formed this type of attachment may feel very insecure in relationships and act needy and clingy, always looking for reassurance.

·        Disorganized: A disorganized type of attachment occurs when the caregiver’s behavior are in some way atypical or frightening. As a result, the child has no clear strategy for seeking comfort or attention, and later this leads to very tumultuous relationships.


Whether attachment proceeds in a healthy way or not, it influences later relationships. Our attachment styles reflect how the individual identifies needs in relationships and how they try to get those needs met. It influences confidence, self-esteem, and choices of romantic partners. The healthiest and most complete type of attachment, which sets a child for healthy development and positive relationships, is secure.

The other types of attachment are unhealthy and may be considered incomplete, because a secure attachment never developed. These can result in developmental problems, behavioral issues, emotional challenges, poor self-esteem, poor impulse control, difficulty trusting others, a lack of depth in relationships, impaired social functioning, and cognitive difficulties. These problems begin in childhood and become more evident in adulthood if an individual fails to learn to establish healthier patterns.

The consequences of poor or incomplete trauma is referred to as attachment trauma.


The issue of attachment trauma will often become evident as the adult is experiencing emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues and seeks help. It may become evident after a series of unhealthy relationship patterns begin to be present. Through therapy it may be determined that the person is likely experiencing attachment trauma.

Treating attachment trauma is complicated and highly individualized. It depends on the extent of the trauma and its repercussions. A person who experienced this kind of trauma is likely to meet criteria for other mental illnesses or even substance use disorders. Treatment must include care for all these to be most effective.

The trauma suffered during the important attachment period does not have to negatively impact a person forever. There are ways to overcome this trauma and to learn to establish a healthy sense of self, positive relationships, and better coping mechanisms.


